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Back to School

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Moving to Poland in 2010 had many unforeseen consequences. I had no idea at the time, for instance, that a few years later, I would relaunch my record label, too many fireworks, on the Polish market for a successful spell.… Read More »Back to School

To Be a Southpaw

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It starts early, at school. Back in the dark days of the mid-eighties, when teachers were less – let’s say – enlightened as they may be today. Those were the days of jumpers for goalposts, chalk on blackboards, and ‘right… Read More »To Be a Southpaw

The Sound of Silence

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I was fascinated by silence as a child. That is not to say the times in which I was quiet were plentiful; even when I was wee it was difficult to shut me up, much to the eternal frustration of… Read More »The Sound of Silence